Gardin Family in Costa Rica


Originally from the Detroit area, we have lived and traveled in too many places to list! We met while living in Israel, while Dov was serving as an IDF paratrooper and Miriam was directing an English-language theatre. We moved to West Orange in June, 2013, and after four years of planning and building, moved into our dream home in May, 2023.

Family is incredibly important to us, as are friends and community; add some delicious eats and a cozy setting, and we could hardly ask for more. We enjoy music and movies, puzzles, thrifting, and spontaneous dance parties in the kitchen. We are inspired by art and culture, and love to share live experiences with others. We truly love a good party, and we love throwing parties!! We also like to travel, meet people, explore new places, and have adventures. Most of the time though, we’re in our jammies, eating ice cream, streaming a family flick from the 90s. Or bickering and complaining and feeling overwhelmed, just like any typical family.

We hope you’ll come visit us at Salon 60 soon… we’ll keep the bickering to ourselves!


A house concert (or a house show, since we do more than just music) is a live performance in a private space, such as a home or backyard, attended by the host’s friends, neighbors, and sometimes fans of the artist. House concerts are by invitation-only, and the host does not profit from the events. Attendees are usually asked to make a suggested donation to the artist, and can meet the artist in person. Food is typically served, provided either by the host or via potluck. House concerts are known for being intimate, informal, and acoustic, and some artists rely on them to make a living wage.

At Salon 60, our friends and neighbors gather to explore and experience arts, culture, and inspiration in an environment that is welcoming to both artists and audiences. We are deeply committed to:

  • The dignity of artists: we provide financial guarantees and all proceeds go directly to the artist/s.

  • Economic accessibility: we suggest a range of contribution levels for our guests, and appreciate that some friends may not be able to offer a monetary contribution at all.

We offer a diverse array of events, with a focus on excellence, local artists, and original work. We love to host, and hope you will love attending!


DRAMATURG - A dramaturg is a literary advisor or editor who supports the production of theatre, opera, or film. As experts in the study of plays, musicals, operas, or films, dramaturgs analyze the script, and collaborate with the playwright, director, and production team to hone, clarify, and improve the work. Dramaturgs conduct research into historical, social, and cultural contexts of a production to promote accuracy and provide background material for the actors and designers.

STAGED READING - A staged reading of a play is a live performance with actors reading from a script in front of an audience. Staged readings are most often performed without sets, costumes, or extensive rehearsals, and the focus is on the text. Actors may stand in fixed positions and incorporate minimal stage movement or positioning. Stage directions are read aloud, to help audiences follow what would be movement or action. Staged readings are one step in the development of a play, offering the playwright an opportunity to hear the play in full and see how an audience reacts to the story. Many times, a staged reading is followed by a talk-back with the playwright and/or on the creative team (actors, director, dramaturg), offering a chance for the audience to share feedback and ask questions.

(our home)


Please let us know if there is anything that could make your visit to our home more comfortable, such as accessibility needs, food allergies, etc.

  • We have steps at every entrance to our house, and a portable ramp for our side entrance—please reach out with any questions.

  • Shadow D. Dog, our silver Labrador Retriever, may make an appearance at some of our quieter events: even with multiple air purifiers throughout the house, and two robot vacuums trying to keep up with the endless shedding, there will still be pet hair and dander in the house.

  • Please avoid wearing perfume and cologne for those who are sensitive to fragrance, including us.

  • Smoking and vaping are fine outdoors, at least ten feet from any windows or doors, and fair warning that you may get a lecture from our kids about health risks.


We have generous street parking on both sides, and in the “T” at the top of the block. Please do not park in or block the driveway, as that space is reserved for artists. We encourage guests who live close by to walk or carpool.


We bought this new-to-us house in March 2019, gutted and uninhabitable, after falling in love with the views! Miriam dubbed the original house “The Witch’s Lair” for its tall, narrow shape teetering high on a hill, and for the tiny window in a front-facing dormer, just perfect for Rapunzel. In June, 2023, the house was finally ready enough for us to move in, and we continue the work while enjoying living here. We’re thrilled to be able to share our space with you!


Montclair-based architect Rachael Grochowski and the team at RHG A+D helped us realize our vision for modern architecture and design, integrating the old structure into the new, and maximizing the light and the views from our mountaintop perch!

We are endlessly thankful to Betty and Zvi Lando of Landovia Construction for falling in love with this project and constructing our beautiful home. The Landos made the impossible possible, and most importantly, they are still our very good friends!!

Leah Rhodes Luxe Interiors, partnered with us to design the interior space on our main floor, where our Salon 60 events will take place. She gracefully navigated priorities, budgets, style, and flexibility for a multifunctional space.

Please excuse our temporary mounds of mud, as our exterior is still under construction. Calderon Landscaping and Construction has done a brilliant job so far, and have been wonderful to work with… and to live across the street from!

We are so grateful to the Township of West Orange for untangling complex zoning issues, selling and combining lots, approving plans, and more, all while town staffers worked from home and committees met via Zoom during COVID.